Monday: We played flickerball as a zone, and I don't think I have ever ran so hard in my life! Said goodbye to a bunch of amazing people because transfers were this week.
Tuesday: The Morales family decided to take us to Golden Corral for dinner..... Elder Barry decided to go hard and he had 5 plates of food and probably about 3 plates of desert! He went nutzo on the chocolate fountain and filled up a bowl with chocolate and then drank it all with a straw.... NASTY!!!!! I couldn't believe how much he ate!
Wednesday: Transfers. Elder Barry left for Enod, and we got a new elder! He is super cool! His name is Elder Hernandez. He was born in Mexico and he lives in Kansas. Crazy fact about him, he didn't go to the MTC! He came straight to the mission! I have never heard of that happening before. Pretty crazy!
Thursday: We went and visited a less active family, the Franco family. We talked to Hna. Franco and she is totally 100% back on board! She bore her testimony to us and it was so strong! She told us, "How can I expect God to give me what I want and help me, if I don't do what he asks me to do?" Bamb! Exactly! It was so cool to hear her say that and then talk about how she wants to be a good example for her husband and her kids. I was so happy to hear her say that. She also told us that she would teach us how to make the best flour tortillas I have ever had in my life! Woop woop!
Friday: Friday night we were walking around an apartment complex. There was this guy who was starting to walk outside and so we started talking to him. He got all nervous and was trying to hid the beer that was in his hand. (#comosiempre) As we started talking he ran inside to put away his beer. When he came back outside about 5 other guys came out! We talked to them and they were hilarious! We told them that we could come back and teach them. They got really quiet and said, "umm... we are a bunch of guys... I don't know if you guys would be comfortable..." HAHAHAHA It was sooooo funny!!! We now call that apartment the man cave! I can't wait to go back!
Saturday: Hna Snowden's birthday!!!!! She is 20!! the big 2-0! We had a lot of fun and we ate sooooo much food!!! We had breakfast like normal, and then afterwards, the STLs knocked on our door and had another breakfast for us!!! Double breakfast.
Then for lunch we went to Hungry Frog. #best chicken fingers on the planet! Then at a members house they fed us cantaloupe. Then a member also had dinner for us and we ate super spicy tacos! After we were all done with the day and heading home Hna Snowden pulled over at Sonic and we got milkshakes.... I am never eating again!!!!
Sunday: I always love sundays! We got to meet with Maria Mendez! (An investigator) She is going through a wrough patch right now, so it was so awesome to get to talk to her and testify of happiness and peace that the gospel brings. We also set up a time to go on a temple tour with her! I am so excited for that! I think getting to see the temple and feel the spirit there is going to change so many things for her and help her out so much! I love that lady so much and want the best for her.
So yeah it was an awesome week! I want to share with you all what I learned this morning in my studies. As I was getting ready this morning I popped in a CD with conference talks on it. I listened to one called "None Were With Him" by Jeffery R. Holland. wow... I don't even know how to describe how amazing that talk is. If you have time to listen to it do it! Here is the link: general-conference/2009/04/ none-were-with-him?lang=eng If you don't have time to listen to it, make time please! It will help you I promise! I also was able to read in the book of mormon. I read in Mosiah 14:3-12. It fit so perfectly into the talk. Please read these verses. I know that because Christ suffered for us, we are never alone. He is always there. He will never forget us. During the hard times "Let Faith Triumph"
I love you all so much!!!! Have a fantabulous week!
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